Caring Circle of Friends

Our Mission
The mission of our Caring committee is to take care of our own and those who need our help. This committee will be responsible for the following areas areas of caretaking.

* For shut-ins, elderly and disabled
* Assistance with critical needs (errands, transportation)
* Christian fellowship & prayer

Correspondence and Caring
* Sending cards to members (illness, grieving, thinking of you, birthdays, anniversaries)
* Token gifts and meals to members in need


* Soup Lunches after the mid-week service during Lent.
* Receptions after funerals or memorial services

How To Get Involved

If you would like to participate in this important ministry or if you are in need of any of the services described above, contact the office at 516-785-8877 and ask for Christine, or contact a member of the caring committee. Additionally, we welcome any news about members in need so that we can minister to them.


Angel Food Ministries
Have you heard of Angel Food Ministries? If not go to AngelFood See if this is something that could benefit you or someone you know, than place your order and if you have chosen our church as your distribution site then come and get it on the day and time specified.

If you need any additional information, contact the church office at 516-785-8877 and ask for Christine